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YAPiC is developed by Image and Data Analysis Facility, Core Reseach Facilities of DZNE(German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases).

What is YAPiC for?

With YAPiC you can make your own customized filter (also called model or classifier) to enhance a certain structure of your choice with a simple python based command line interface, installable with pip:

$ yapic train unet_2d "path/to/my/images/*.tif" path/to/my/labels.ilp

$ yapic predict my_trained_model.h5 path/to/results/

You can, e.g., train a model for detection of oak leaves in color images, and use this oak leaf model to filter out all image regions that are not covered by oak leaves:

The output image is also called a probability map, because the intensity of each pixel corresponds to the probability of the pixel belonging to an oak leaf region.

You can train a model for almost any structure you are interested in, for example to detect a certain cell type in histological micrographs (here: purkinje cells of the human brain):

Histology data provided by Oliver Kaut (University Clinic Bonn, Dept. of Neurology)

We have used YAPiC for analyzing various microscopy image data. Our experiments are mainly related to neurobiology, cell biology, histopathology and drug discovery (high content screening). However, YAPiC is a very generally applicable tool and can be applied to very different domains. It could be used for detecting, e.g., forest regions in satellite images, clouds in landscape photographs or fried eggs in food photography.


Why YAPiC?

Pixel classification in YAPiC is based on deep learning with fully convolutional neural networks. Development of YAPiC started in 2015, when Ronneberger et al. presented a U-shaped fully convolutional neural network that was capable of solving highly challenging pixel classification tasks in bio images, such as tumor classification in histological slides or cell segmentation in brightfield DIC images.

YAPiC was designed to make this new kind of AI powered pixel classification simply applicable, i.e feasible to use for a PhD student in his/her imaging project.

Simply applicable means here in detail:

How to install


We recommend to install legacy YAPiC version which supports Ilastik label files. The current YAPiC version does not support Ilastik any more. Instead a label and prediction workflow with napari is supported. However the napari workflow for labelling, YAPiC model training and prediction has not been documented so far and is not working robustly. The tutorials you find here in the documentations work only with yapic_io<=0.1.2 and yapic<=1.2.3.

pip install tensorflow==2.4.1 # you may use other tensorflow versions regarding to your hardware
pip install yapic_io==0.1.2 # last version supporting Ilastik label files and producing reliable output
pip install yapic==1.2.3 # newer yapic versions require yapic_io>0.2.3

Windows and Mac

YAPiC is currently only supported on Linux. It runs, in principle, on Mac OS, but installing Tensorflow with GPU support in currently not that straightforward on Mac OS. We may release Docker images in the future to run YAPiC easily in Windows and Mac workstations.

On Windows you may use the Windows Subsystem for Linux and install CUDA drivers, Tensoerflow and YAPiC on a Ubuntu subsystem.

How to use it

Command line interface

Model training

yapic train unet_2d "path/to/my/images/*.tif" path/to/my/labels.ilp


yapic predict my_trained_model.h5 path/to/results/

Apply your trained model in Imagej/Fiji

Once you have trained a model, you can convert the model with YAPiC to use it with the DeepImageJ plugin of ImageJ/Fiji.

yapic deploy my_trained_model.h5 path/to/example/image.tif path/to/my/deepimagej_model

For deployment to DeepimageJ you have to use Tensorflow version 1.13.1 (see installation instructions below)

Python API

Model training

from yapic.session import Session

img_path = 'path/to/my/images/*.tif'
label_path = 'path/to/my/labels.ilp'

model_size_zxy = (5, 572, 572)

t = Session()
t.load_training_data(img_path, label_path)
t.make_model('unet_multi_z', model_size_zxy)

t.define_validation_data(0.2) # 80% training data, 20% validation data



from yapic.session import Session

img_path = 'path/to/my/images/*.tif'
results_path = 'path/to/my/results/'

t = Session()
t.load_prediction_data(img_path, results_path)

t.predict() # applies the classfier to all images in img_path

Try it out with the leaves example dataset

Hardware Recommendations

YAPiC is designed to run on dedicated hardware. In production, it should not run on your everyday-work notebook, but on a dedicated workstation or a server. The reason is, that training a model requires long time (multiple hours to multiple days) and a lot of computing power. Running these processes in the background on your notebook while e.g. writing E-Mails is not feasible. Moreover, you will need powerful GPU hardware that is normally not available on office notebooks.